Case Study: Commercial ManagementInternational Investment Bank Downtown With over 2.5 million s.f. of corporate space and a multi-billion dollar budget, this commercial consolidation encompasses 40 separate projects within the overall umbrella project. The client is seeking to consolidate its headquarters into one unified downtown Manhattan building, undergoing major renovations and updates like adding a connecting park space, a rooftop terrace, trading floors, state-of-the-art technology, retail spaces and other amenities, to name a few. MEP infrastructure work includes generators, UPS, chiller plant and DOAS. In our role as Commercial Managers, we are responsible for the management and reporting of the multi-billion project to Board Level senior stakeholders within the firm. The JLS team works closely with project managers and the construction teams to accurately forecast all costs for the 40 workstreams within the overall multibillion dollar project. This approach ensures there are no surprises to the client, as all potential risks are captured. We work closely with the client’s finance team to provide cashflow and profit and loss models. The project is due for completion in 2020 and remains on time and on budget. |